HSP Seminar (#314)”Reconstruction Under Fire: the Role of the International Community in Support for Ukraine” (Feb 5, 2025)

Title Reconstruction” Under Fire: the Role of the International Community in Support for Ukraine
Descriptions Mr. Tim Lardner, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), will speak about the current status of support and reconstruction efforts in Ukraine. UNOPS is a UN agency specializing in infrastructure, procurement, and project management, and has implemented numerous development and peacebuilding projects in challenging operational environments, such as conflict zones and post-disaster areas. In this seminar, Mr. Lardner, who had led the UNOPS Ukraine office on the ground, will report on how UN agencies are implementing projects in Ukraine, which is still in the midst of war.

5th (Wed) February, 2025, 18:45-19:45 (Doors open at 18:30)

Venue Collaboration Room 3, 4th floor, Bldg.18, Komaba Campus, the University of Tokyo
Target Audience General public (pre-registration required via email as follows)
Lecturer Tim Lardner (Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, UNOPS)
Moderator Prof. Takuto Sakamoto (Professor, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo)
Language English (Q&A can also be in Japanese)
Organizer Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo
Co-organizers UNOPS Tokyo Liaison Office
Pre-registration Please send your registration by email to tokyo.liaison.office@unops.org by Tuesday, February 4th, including (1) your name, (2) your affiliation and (3) questions for the lecturer (if any).
Inquiries tokyo.liaison.office@unops.org

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