HSP Seminar (#311)”Education for Migrant Students in the UK”(Jun 14, 2024)

Title Education for Migrant Students in the UK
Descriptions We’ll welcome Dr. Olga Cara from Institute of Education, University College of London and she will give us her research presentations on “Post-16 education and training outcomes for young people who use English as an Additional Language (EAL): aspirations and trajectories” and “Russian-speaking adolescents in ‘Russian’ schools in Riga: linguistic acculturation strategies and ethnic identity”.
Date 14th (Fri) June, 2024, 17:00 ‐ 19:00
Venue Collaboration Room 1, Bldg. 18, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo
Reservation Form
Lecturer Dr. Olga Cara (Associate Professor, University College of London)
Moderator Fumiko Takahashi (Associate Professor, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo)
Language English
Materials The seminar will be conducted in English, however the materials will be available both in English and Japanese.
Q&A sessions will also be conducted both in English and in Japanese.
Organizer Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo
Supporter Research Center for Sustainable Peace, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), The University of Tokyo
Notes In order to get a rough idea of the number of participants in advance, please register here if you plan to attend.

Please find the flyer for more details.

Interpreter:Sayaka Saito, MPhil/PhD Student, Dept. of Education Practice and Society Institute of Education, University College London

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