HSP Seminar (#275) “Participation of the Civil Society in UN Human Rights Mechanisms- On the occasion of the publication of the book “United Nations Commission on Human Rights” with Dr. John Pace.” (Jan. 27, 2021)

Title Participation of the Civil Society in UN Human Rights Mechanisms- On the occasion of the publication of the book “United Nations Commission on Human Rights” with Dr. John Pace.
Descriptions This seminar is in celebration of the publication of the book The United Nations Commission on Human Rights by Dr. John Pace, who served as Secretary for the Commission for 16 years. The book itself is a very detailed and factual record of each session of the Commission. Based on the thorough collection of information, recommendations are made to make the Human Rights Council a body with all UN Member States, and to have civil society consultation as a more integrated part of the UN’s human rights machinery. In the seminar, the author of the book will discuss his findings about the UN Commission on Human Rights, and panelists from the civil society and academia will join him in capturing lessons learned from the past and exploring the future of human rights.
Date 27 January 2021 (Wed). 18:00~19:30
Venue Zoom (Pre-registration required: https://forms.gle/BSC13tMb98rGyHH89)
Lecturer Dr. John Pace (former Secretary, UN Commission on Human Rights)
Commentators Ms. Atsuko Miwa, Director (HURIGHTS Osaka);
Prof. Saul Takahashi (Osaka Jogakuin University)
Moderator Ai Kihara-Hunt (Associate Professor, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), the University of Tokyo)
Language English
Materials To be distributed after registration if any.
Organizer Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo
Co-organizers Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP), Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), The University of Tokyo;

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