HSP Seminar (#252) “AIIB Today—Its Governance and the Rule of Law”

Description: We learn how AIIB is working for dispelling the concerns on issues on its governance, transparency and accountability as well as how it is independent of and in the meanwhile complementary to China’s BRI. We discuss possible policies of Japan to cooperate and collaborate with AIIB as well as China for its BRI for rule of law and access to justice for sustainable development as prescribed in the Goal 16 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Registration: Needed. Please register from here.

Date: November,22, 2018(Thur.) 10:00 - 12:00
Venue: ‘SMBC Academia Hall’ 4th floor, International Academic Research Bldg., Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo
Lecturer: Mr. Gerard SANDERS, General Counsel, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Mr. Xuan GAO, Ph.D., Senior Counsel, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Commentator: Prof. Toshiro NISHIZAWA, Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), The University of Tokyo

Prof. Yasunobu SATO, Ph.D., Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, The University of Tokyo

•Language: English
Organizers: Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), The University of Tokyo

Graduate Program on Human Security, University of Tokyo (HSP)

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