HSP Seminar (#247) “One Belt One Road Initiative and Japan’s Indo-Pacific Strategy towards Eastern Africa”

Description: Dr. Cannon is researching on the Japanese diplomacy for Indo-Pacific Strategy. He will analyse and discuss its relationship with the Chinese One Belt and One Road Initiative towards East Africa.
Date: July, 4th, 2018(Wed) 16:50 - 18:35
Venue: Bldg.18, 4th floor, ‘ collaboration room 3’ , Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
Lecturer: Dr. Brendon Cannon (Assistant Professor of Khalifa University, Institute of International and Civil Security)
Commentator: Mitsugi Endo (Professor of the University of Tokyo)
Moderator: Yasunobu Sato (Professor of the University of Tokyo, Director of the Research Centre for Sustainable Peace (RCSP))
Language: English
Organizers: Graduate Program on Human Security, University of Tokyo (HSP)

Research Center for Sustainable Peace, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), The University of Tokyo

Co-organizers: Research Center for African Studies, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS)
Supporters: Research Center for African Studies, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS)

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) of JSPS, 2016-2021: Network Governance for Access to Justice in East Asia

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