HSP Seminar (#246) “Humanitarian Forensics – Application Today and Emerging Challenges”

Description: When people die during wars or disasters, or while migrating, their bodies must be handled respectfully and with dignity; and the remains of unknown individuals must be searched for, recovered and identified. Humanitarian work has come to include these tasks, for which forensic science offers matchless tools and expertise.

In this seminar, Oran Finegan, Head of Forensic Unit, Protection Division, International Committee of the Red Cross, will provide overview of the work of the ICRC in forensics and how this is applied to the humanitarian sphere globally by giving practical examples of its application to the missing and migration, and the management of the dead in disaster/conflict. The seminar will also highlight and discuss emerging challenges in the humanitarian sphere and the role of forensic science in addressing these such as urbanisation of conflict, protracted conflict, and dealing with the dead from refugee camps.

There will be questions and answers time at the end. Refreshment to follow after the seminar.

Registration: Prior registration is encouraged to ensure the space from the website.

Date: June, 11, 2018(Monday)18:00 – 19:30
Venue: Bldg. 18, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 1, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
Lecturer: Oran Finegan (Head of Forensic Unit, Protection Division, International Committee of the Red Cross)
Moderator: Ai Kihara-Hunt (Associate Professor, the University of Tokyo)
Language: English
Organizers: Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), the University of Tokyo
Co-organizers: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); Research Center for Sustainable Peace, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), the University of Tokyo

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