HSP Seminar #202 Primary Education in Slums -Example of Eve’s Day Junior School in Kenya-

•Description: In this seminar, Mr. Okwiri, who founded a primary school in slums in Kenya, will give a presentation about the role of primary school for community development. He was born and grew up in a slum area in Kenya. What is the role of primary school in slums? What were the challenges and difficulties of providing educational opportunity for community development in slums? With the discussion regarding to the theme, participants will examine the role of education from the perspective of human security.
•Date: Sunday, August, 9th, 2015 14:00-16:00
•Venue: Collaboration Room3, 4th Floor, Bldg.18, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
•Keynote Speaker: Mr. David Jonathan Okwiri (Founder of Eve’s Day Junior School, Kenya)
•Speakers: Mr. David Jonathan Okwiri (Founder of Eve’s Day Junior School, Kenya)
•Moderator: Prof. Hideo Kimura
•Language: English
•Fee: Free
•Seating Capacity: 30
•Organizers: Graduate Program on Human Security, University of Tokyo (HSP)
•Co-organizers: Tupendane

東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科


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東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科
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